Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Guide to Buying a New Car

Buying a car "fresh off the lot" is a goal for many, and has somehow become a rite of passage in the American psyche. Once we get to the point in our career where we feel secure enough to be able to afford a new car, we begin to consider the possibility. A new car is more than a status symbol, it also acts as a validation that we have "made it," an endorsement of some measure of our success.

While some people are content to buy and drive secondhand cars throughout their driving days, most people will purchase a new car at least one time in their lives. Others are convinced that buying new is the only way to buy a car and they will do so time and again every few years.

Before you even begin to think too deeply about buying a new car, take some time to consider why you want to buy a new car. If you have a partner, you'll want to think this decision through first--and then go to them with the idea. Expect some healthy questioning from them about the reasons you want to buy a new car, and be willing to negotiate (and perhaps postpone) the decision for the good of the family if necessary.

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